A small online business is just that, a BUSINESS! This is something you will need to put time into and your efforts will begin to show. So what is it we do after we build the site? How does our website get attention where others won't?
Here is a list of the top 7 ways you can generate traffic and promote your business;
7. Keywords make a big difference! Think about it, now you have a website up, how does it see any traffic? For each web page that made, keywords should be included and should match your title, description and file name. Search engines will identify these keywords and figure out there relevance.
6. Pick your Keywords wisely! If you have a website that consists of family recipes you are promoting, you don't want to use the keyword recipe or recipes because they have been over-used. The search engines will find your site, but on page 4,059. You would rather use more of a niche keyword like south beach recipes or family home recipes.
5. Include your website into search engines; if you include your website in Google, Yahoo and Live you will have covered over 85% of all search engine activity. All three inclusions are free. If you include a sitemap within your website these search engines will read it quicker and more efficiently.
4. Submit your site into directories; There are two in specific that will raise the level of your website. Yahoo Directory and DMOZ.
3. Write articles; this would include ezine articles as well as other article-driven sites. This takes a little time but it is worth it. Ezine articles website is extremely high ranked. Your information on these sites will also be ranked high.
2. Socialize! There are many ways through word of mouth to get your website out there. Myspace, Facebook, forums, blogs, twitter, RSS feeds and many more socializing avenues you can take to promote your website.
1. Every good website has one necessity, CONTENT! Search engines will not take your site seriously unless 125 words or more are included. You also have to consider that your traffic will leave a site with little content. Within your content you have to work in your pre-selling. Your products or service will not speak for themselves, give your traffic useful information and content that will allow them to trust you. Doing these things will guarantee that your website will be in the top 1% to 5% of all websites online.
Source: Ezinea
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